Today we have updated the editor in iXBT Live. I will clarify right away that the old editor will work for old posts. But for all subsequent ones, already a new one. It’s faster, easier, better, and just plain prettier. Let’s take a look at what it can do. I note that saving to drafts, preview and other functions work exactly the same way, only the editor itself, in which the post text is created, has changed.
- blocks
- Paragraph
- header
- Lisa
- Quote
- tables
- photo and gallery
The main thing to know when working with the new editor is that it is a block editor. Each block is a paragraph of text, a title, an image, a gallery, a list, a table, etc. And the blocks can be moved and exchanged with each other. You have to move the image higher, please. You must divide the text into two parts and change them, please. This is done in the simplest way possible. Each block has a button with 6 dots on the left. If you click on it, a menu of this block will appear, where there are buttons with arrows to move.

The most standard block is the Paragraph. It is plain text. It is added simply by pressing Enter, or by pressing the left plus sign in the editor and selecting Paragraph. Yes, you can also access this menu by pressing Tab.

The text in a paragraph can be regular, bold, italic, underlined, or a link.

You can also change the type of a paragraph and make it a Quote, Heading, or List.

Headers are even easier. They are created via the plus button, the Tab key on the keyboard, or by casting To (see the previous section). They come in three levels. Everything is as in the old editor. For the main headings of the material, the first one, H4, is used. If you need a division into subtitles, then there is the H5 and H6 level. You can select them through the block menu with 6 points.

Like all previous blocks, lists are created using the plus button, the Tab key, or converting from Paragraph. There are two types of lists: numbered and unnumbered. In principle, its difference is only if the items in the list are preceded by numbers or dots. You can change the type of list using the button with 6 dots. But if you need to make something bold, italic or underline, then you just need to select the text and a context menu with corresponding buttons will appear.

Another type of text block is the Quote. Yes, it is created exactly the same as all the previous ones. It has a field for the text of the citation and for the author. If you need to write down what Elon Musk said about the new Tesla, use this block format.

We go from text blocks to more complex and interesting ones. Let’s start with the tables. They are created the same way as everything else, but here you can add and remove rows and columns via the plus buttons next to the table or the button with 4 dots. And also choose the display With or without header (this is when the top line becomes the header of the table), this is selected via the button with 6 points for the entire block with the table.

photo and gallery
Many people know how difficult it was to upload images in the old editor. We have solved it. You can now upload an image by dragging it from a folder on your computer, adding an image block and clicking the Select Image button, and even inserting a link to the image (if you prefer to upload all the images somewhere on your server, and then you want to upload them directly to the iXBT blogs).

And yes, we made a gallery! You can now select the Gallery block and upload multiple images there. If you need to display images in a row, just use the + and – buttons to the right of the gallery. They will allow you to customize the grid however you want (up to 5 images in a row).

PS: If you notice any errors in the new editor, feel free to write me in private messages, we will decide.
Today we have updated the editor in iXBT Live. I will clarify right away that the old editor will work for old posts. But for all subsequent ones, already a new one. It’s faster, easier, better and just…
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Source: IXBT