audio recordings Armando Benedetti They unleashed a political storm over serious accusations related to the campaign that brought Gustavo Petro to Casa de Nariño. In these, the former ambassador of Venezuela mentioned the resources of approximately 15,000 million pesos and noted: “Or what do you want me to say, son of a bitch, who put the money in?”

(We recommend: Petro in voices from Benedetti: “no money taken from people linked to drug trafficking”)

on his behalf, he President Petro assured that his election campaign did not take money from drug trafficking nor has his government done anything illegal in response to threats from former Venezuelan ambassador Armando Benedetti, who assured him he could divulge secrets about the 2022 election.

“I do not accept blackmail, I do not see politics as a field for personal interests” President Petro said on Twitter.

(Also: Benedetti’s Voiceovers: more controversial statements that raise more doubt: ‘We’re all sinking’)

As soon as the voices emerged, President Petro uploaded a photo with his daughter Sofia Petro: Is he restless? !Not possible!”.

This trill is a collective of the Anonymous group. hackers and anonymous cyber activists known for their massive leaks in political cases responded: “I don’t know… I wouldn’t be so calm, Mr. President”. Before publication: Is everything okay at home, Gustavo Petro”?

(Also: Armando Benedetti’s serious voices on the Laura Sarabia claim)

And added: “Colombia is a country mistreated by violence, corruption and the indifference of its government, a government worse than or equal to the previous one.”

Anonymous also described President Petro as a man with arrogant attitudes. Finally, that group said that the Colombian president was elected “corruptly” and that “stories, speeches, voices and other key elements will come to light”.

(Also: How is Petro’s government after the internal crisis caused by the scandal?)

On the other hand, former ambassador Benedetti commented that the voices were “manipulated” on the same social network and called them a “malicious attack” and offered excuses to both President Petro and Laura Sarabia.

Finally, Anonymous trilled with an hourglass and Colombian flag.


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Source: Exame

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