Rigoberto Mendoza, who signed the peace agreement and chaired the Bajo London Community Action Board (JAC), was assassinated. The incident occurred on the afternoon of July 8, while returning home after a meeting in La Aguililla county in Caquetá, Puerto Rico.

Rodrigo Londoño, the former commander of the extinct FARC, known as Timochenko during the armed conflict, expressed his sadness on Twitter. Londoño urged President Gustavo Petro to protect the civilian population and those in the process of reincorporation.

“The President, Rigoberto Mendoza, the signer of the peace, and the head of the Bajo Londres JAC were assassinated. The policy of Full Peace cannot be a signal letter for the armed forces to attack the civilian population and be in the process of reunification. This is not how to build peace,” he wrote.

The National Reunification Council (CNR) also issued a statement mourning the loss of Mendoza and criticizing the continuing violence.

The document assures that 389 ex-combatants have been killed since the peace agreement was signed, of which 379 were in the process of reincorporation.

By contrast, the statement states that half of the Regional Areas for Education and Reunification (ETCR) are at high security risk, and six are considered for transfer due to imminent danger.

Source: Exame

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