Penguin completed his broadcast and delighted the audience. He spin off from Batman starring Colin Farrell And Cristin Milioti was even more successful than expected, and the big question that remains among fans is whether there is a possibility second season.
It was known from the outset that the intention was that events Penguin served as a bridge between Batman And Batman 2. But because the HBO series’ impact has been so great, conversations about whether it deserves to expand its focus on Oz Cobb’s underworld and Gotham’s mafia will only get more serious.
At the moment, it is too early to say whether there will be a second season of the series. Penguin will see the light of day or not. However, what seemed like a resounding no just a few weeks ago Now this is a more subtle answer.. Matt Reeves himself, director Batman and executive producer spin offadmitted that conversations on this matter have already begun.
The director admitted. Entertainment Weekly that negotiations with Lauren LeFranc, showrunner from Penguinand Colin Farrell are included. “We’re starting to talk, very tentatively, about what that path might be,” he explained, adding: “What’s really important is that we deserve it. The idea of making a film again means that we have to keep the same film, I know that none of us will come back and do more. [sin que haya una motivación]. We want to come back and do something great. This is what we are talking about now. Yes, we think there might be something there [sobre una posible nueva temporada de El Pingüino]but this is just the beginning. Still, it’s exciting. “It’s very helpful.”
Season 2 Penguin seems increasingly feasible
Lauren Lefranc, showrunner from Penguinhe recently said Forbes that if there were conditions for a second season, it could be approached without problems. Despite this, she chose to be cautious and, like Reeves, emphasized that if this was done, it would be go through the first delivery and not just to please fans or Warner Bros. executives.
“We put everything on the line. I think in order to do a second season, we have to feel like we can outdo ourselves. We have to feel like there’s something else out there that’s worth truly delving into. I really care about all these characters, even if “They’re terrible people. It was a pleasure to write about them, even if they were confusing, complex, strange and darkly funny. Gotham is a very fun setting and I would love to explore it further, but I think it just has to be the right thing to do,” he stressed.
Besides the fact that the creators Penguina significant part of the final word will be the words of the main characters. Colin Farrell he seemed to have ruled out any possibility of tying himself to Oz Cobb’s prosthetic suit for too long again. The actor admitted that he ended up going through a lot of suffering during the filming of the series. “When we finished, I thought, ‘I never want to wear that damn suit and that damn head again,'” he said recently.
However, the Irishman seemed to realize that he was a little hasty in his comments. In a recent interview with Hollywood Reporterwas more than willing to do more episodes Penguin if a specific opportunity arises. “If you have a great idea [para una segunda temporada]and the writing is really energetic and as strong or even stronger than the first season, of course I would do it,” he explained.
There are no definitions at this time. It was clear that fans enjoyed exploring the underworld Penguin between two films Batman. The next part of Matt Reeves’ film saga will be released in theaters October 2, 2026.
Source: Hiper Textual