In the Caribbean mangrove forests there is a huge bacterium, the largest of all these days. Thiomargarita magnifica is 5000 times larger populations and 50 times larger than the largest of them – it’s as if an ordinary person and a gigantic growth stood next to Everest.
T. magnifica long in centimeters coverage in 2009. Biologist Olivier Gros poured some swamp water into Peter’s cup and saw a strange “vermicelli” come out above the silt, which was visible to the naked eye. The creature is necessary in order to be fluorescent, X-rayed, observed under a microscope and its genome sequenced, to make sure that the organ really has only one cell and is a bacterium, not an animal.
Finally, T. magnifica was found to be physically capable of growing to this size. Unlike multicellular eukaryotes with membrane organelles in their cells, bacteria are prokaryotes, a kind of “enzyme sacks”, and their genetic material is often found throughout the population. T. magnifica adheres to this rule, as it has membranes with DNA and ribosomes inside. These organelles were called “pepins” – like the tiny seeds in fruits like pitaya. With the help of the T. magnifica organelle, it distributes the white mechanisms that produce energy for the cell – a.
In the former bacteria, there are no such organelles, so they corrode their generatims, and in the flying bolola, which is also quite difficult to transport energy, the population size is small. In addition, bacteria need the ability to double in order to multiply. T. magnifica, in turn, simply separates parts of itself, a small daughter cell from which it grows.
Yes yen T. Magnifica blue dyne and times Materials Presumably, T. Magnifica feeds through chemoautotrophy – does Eve get energy from the degeneration of chemiciciciciciciciciciciciciccichicchian chemicicicicch? All this leads to intrigue legs.
Source: Tech Cult