Bill Gates, the tycoon known as the founder of Microsoft, is also something of a fortune teller about the technological advances that the world has seen and will most likely continue to see. Since stepping down as Microsoft’s CEO in 2008, Gates has devoted much of his life to philanthropy and economic investment. technological enterprises high risk (technological projects). Go invest where there is no obvious business, but always with the goal of creating one that will possibly have a positive impact on the world.
Smartphones, all kinds of Internet services and even artificial intelligence are some of Bill Gates’ predictions that have come true.
Smart Cell Phones
Bill Gates anticipated what Steve Jobs crystallized: small electronic devices with which we could communicate from anywhere in the world. And it was not about making phone calls, but about performing all sorts of actions from a small screen.
everything is on the Internet
Bill Gates was one of the main witnesses to the exponential growth of the network. After all, for several decades, connecting to the Internet was primarily done from a Windows computer. Gates predicted that all types of shopping and business will be done online, from buying groceries to buying insurance or receiving medical care remotely.
Google Shopping
In 1999, Bill Gates wrote a book called Business, speed of thought, where he talked about various technology forecasts that have a strong impact on business. One of the most famous is the one that says you can shop the prices of different products online to find the cheapest one. “As automated pricing services emerge, people will be able to see different prices on different websites and find the cheapest one without much effort,” Gates said.
Messenger RNA vaccines
It’s no secret that one of the keys to exiting the COVID-19 pandemic was messenger RNA vaccines, a technology that Gates began investing in in 2014, although he had other diseases in mind: HIV and malaria.
artificial intelligence
Bill Gates also expected that artificial intelligence would begin to be adopted en masse, just as it is beginning to happen with platforms like ChatGPT or Copilot in Windows, or with the generative revolution in Apple and Samsung cell phones.
But Gates’s predictions go much further: the Microsoft founder believes that artificial intelligence will begin to influence medical and scientific research, workplace hiring, and ultimately a labor revolution in which many sources of work will be lost but others will be created. .
Universal Basic Income
While it’s not exactly his prediction, Bill Gates has been one of the most vocal technologists talking about the importance of universal minimum income guarantees by governments to address the unemployment that the artificial intelligence revolution will cause.
A future as bright as it is decadent
If one were to define Bill Gates’ position regarding the future, one could say that his vision is as optimistic as it is pessimistic. On the one hand, the technology guru believes that biotechnology will be the key to ending hunger through technologies such as growing meat in a laboratory or creating transgenic seeds. He also believes that we will soon switch to clean energy.
On the other hand, he believes that such an evil as bioterrorism will become a global reality.
He also believes that pandemics will become more common and believes that despite the disastrous experience of Covid-19, we don’t do enough so that history does not repeat itself with the same results.
Source: Digital Trends
I am Garth Carter and I work at Gadget Onus. I have specialized in writing for the Hot News section, focusing on topics that are trending and highly relevant to readers. My passion is to present news stories accurately, in an engaging manner that captures the attention of my audience.