Vladislav Bakalchuk has appealed to Pavel Durov and the Telegram team to not transfer Wildberries channels. The businessman’s letter was sent on August 26 on behalf of the legal agency IQ Technology, which represents the interests of the co-founder of the marketplace. Bakalchuk posted a copy of the appeal on his Telegram channel.

Vladislav Bakalchuk asked the Telegram team not to transfer Wildberries channels
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The letter claims that the rights to use the Wildberries domains were “illegally transferred” to RVB LLC without Vladislav Bakalchuk’s consent. The courier’s address is thus notified of the “illegality of any attempt” to transfer the rights to t.me/wildberriesru_official and t.me/wbsellerofficial to the company.

According to the entrepreneur, these two channels are an integral part of the market’s assets and have a high commercial value.

Vladislav Bakalchuk says that the cost of attracting a subscriber to Telegram commercial channels starts at 400 rubles. His fee refers to consultations with experts and an independent assessment.

“Considering that 350 thousand people are subscribed to our two channels, their cost is estimated at least 140 million rubles. These figures underline the importance of protecting our digital assets,” writes Vladislav Bakalchuk.

He also added that he was following the news about Pavel Durov’s arrest and expressed his support for his team and his confidence that he is innocent and will soon be released.

  • In June 2024, Wildberries and outdoor advertising operator Russ announced their merger, after which they founded a joint venture: RVB LLC.
  • Vladislav Bakalchuk, owner of 1% of Wildberries LLC, opposed the merger of Wildberries and Russ, noting that “the company’s assets are being taken away for next to nothing.” Ramzan Kadyrov and Timur Yunusov (Timati) spoke in his support.
  • Later, Bakalchuk tried again to prevent the merger. She appealed to Rospatent, arguing that the transfer of trademarks potentially violated the rights of the founding spouses.


Karina Pardaeva

Source: RB

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