RB.RU is now accepting applications for the RB Digital Awards 2025, the fifth annual independent award for companies that have increased business efficiency using new technologies. To apply, go to the award page.
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The award is awarded for cases in the field of digital transformation. In any category, the request can be submitted by both the company that introduced the changes and the technology provider.
The editors accept applications until December 1, 2024. Then, on January 10, 2025, an expert-selected shortlist will be published on the award page. The prize final and award ceremony will take place in February 2025 at one of the venues in Moscow.
The best cases and nominated project leaders will receive:
- evaluation and recognition of the best digital transformation experts in Russia;
- the opportunity to become part of a professional community and confirm your experience in the market;
- informational support at rb.ru.
The award jury is made up of leading experts in digital transformation from large corporations. The winners are still chosen by practicing and experienced specialists – the top management of Russian companies. The organizer of the RB.RU award acts as a guarantor of the reliability and transparency of voting.
A participant can submit an unlimited number of nomination requests:
1. HR and internal communications
Cases of increasing the efficiency of internal communications and human resources processes with the help of new technologies: when a company managed to improve some indicator using digital technologies or services.
2. Marketing and sales
Cases of application of new technologies in the field of marketing and sales. It is important to show a measurable result of the use of technology, and not just the fact of its implementation.
3. Corporate pilot
The best pilot in a corporate business accelerator. Cases of cooperation between a corporation and an external startup.
It is important that the cases of a corporation implementing the technology of an external startup, not internal, be evaluated and there must already be an intermediate or final result of cooperation. The case must be implemented within the framework of a corporate accelerator. Both the corporation and the startup itself can apply: both participants in the case receive prizes.
4. Digital services
Cases of successful digitization of services and customer relations: when a company transfers one or more work processes with a customer to digital and therefore increases its efficiency. It is important to show a measurable result of the work that reflects “what it was before”, not necessarily an increase in sales.
5. Cybersecurity
Cases in the field of cybersecurity are examples of improving the level of cybersecurity of companies. To evaluate a case it is important that an intermediate result has been concluded or achieved that the company can share.
6. Logistics and transportation
Cases of increasing the efficiency of logistics processes using new technologies: when a company managed to improve business performance through the digitalization of processes. The result may be a measurable reduction in financial or time costs, etc.
7. Industry
Cases of increasing the efficiency of productive and industrial processes using new technologies. It is important to provide a measurable evaluation of how the use of technology or service has improved specific indicators of company performance.
8. Operations
Cases of increasing operational efficiency using new technologies.
Cases implemented between November 2023 and December 2024 are accepted for consideration. both in large companies and small organizations.
After the awards ceremony, we will publish case studies of the winning companies (with their consent). Case studies of the 2024 winning companies can be viewed here.
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Source: RB
I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.