It is widely used to track lost bags or left in your wallet. AirTags are now also used to prevent car theft in the United States. a report CBS Colorado He noted that the City of Arvada Police Department made the first donation of tracked items to the public to facilitate the detection of crimes.

According to the images shown by the broadcaster, The organization not only launches Apple AirTags, but also Tile mini viewers. The exact number of units distributed was not disclosed, but it represents at least half of the items purchased by the department.

Police officers will not have access to donated AirTagsHowever, citizens whose cars have been stolen will be able to go to the police station to present the device’s tracking data. Like this,Authorities should be more sensitive about recovering vehiclesIt also takes less time to solve such cases.

Those who purchased the accessories also received stickers to be placed on their vehicles. The material is a warning that the vehicle has a tracking device and can be quickly located by police.

AirTags are also used to steal cars

Apple’s AirTags have already been the subject of much controversy since their launch in 2021, although they are a very interesting and useful solution. A few months ago, Vermont state officials warn use of these tags by criminalsHiding tracking devices in places like car grills to commit theft.

A class-action lawsuit filed against Apple in 2022 states: AirTags are followers’ favorite gadgetsand that the company did not take appropriate measures to protect users.

According to the latest rumors next-generation AirTags will be released during 2025 and can have three times the range of the original model.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I am a passionate and hardworking journalist with an eye for detail. I specialize in the field of news reporting, and have been writing for Gadget Onus, a renowned online news site, since 2019. As the author of their Hot News section, I’m proud to be at the forefront of today’s headlines and current affairs.


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