The Ministry of Transportation submitted a request to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow region with the request to suspend the corporate rights of foreign companies TPS Avia Holding Inc and Sandy Investments Ltd in relation to the structure of the Sheremetyevo airport – TPS Avia Holding Ltd LLC, it is deduced from the judicial card. RBC paid attention.

The Ministry of Transportation asked the Court to suspend the rights of foreign structures to Sheremetyevo
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“The Declaration of the Ministry of Transportation of Russia on the suspension of the implementation of the foreign company TPS Avia Holding Inc (TPS Avia Holding Inc) and Sandy Investments LTD (Sandy Intracts LTD) corporate rights in the economically significant organization of the AVIA of the AVIA of Avia Holding Ltd Mcoo (TPS Avia Holding LTD) until December 31, 2025, to accept the production of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow region, ”said the Court ruling.

The third people in the case are the McOO “TPS Avia Holding Ltd” and the Federal Tax Service Office for the Kalinningrad region. The Ministry of Transportation went to the Court on January 27, the same day that the court accepted the declaration of the department to production. The meeting in the case will take place on February 19.

At the end of 2022, the TPS Avia Holding Ltd Mkooo was cut from the Republic of Cyprus to a special administrative district on the island of Oktyabrsky in the Kaliningrad region. TPS Avia Holding Ltd is the only owner of Sheremetyevo Holding LLC, which controls more than 66% of the shares at the Sheremetyevo International Airport.

In November 2024, the Russian government included TPS Avia Holding LTD in the list of economically significant organizations (ACO). This State allows the controllers to transfer to the Russian jurisdiction the actions and shares of the company that belong to foreign investors from the “hostile” countries, as well as receive dividends from them, RBC wrote.

Previously, on January 29, Kommersant said that the Office of the Attorney General filed a lawsuit against the Moscow region’s arbitration court to the companies of the Domodedovo Group and legal entities that are associated with the airport. The newspaper said the demand continued after verifying the procedure to privatize objects at the airport. The content of the claim is not revealed, but, according to the source of the publication, after the privatization controls, the claims are generally followed by the return of assets to the State.

The Domodedov RBC press service said the company strictly meets all the requirements of the law. “The airport position will be formed after reviewing the claim statement,” explained the representative of the Air Port.

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Bogdan Muzychenko

Source: RB

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