Microsoft recently launched a proprietary platform to train drone AI without exposing drones to the potential dangers of a real flight. Called the AirSim Project, in practice, a flight simulator for drones which companies can freely use to customize their control software.

The tester’s idea is to simulate millions of flights in a matter of seconds and, more importantly, to create near-flights near high-voltage power lines or in strong winds, almost hostile navigation situations, such as in rain, Redmond devine said. at night, among other adverse conditions.

According to a press release, AirSim Project for all partners developing drones, from air taxis to delivery vehicles. The ultimate goal is to showcase “the power of industrial metadata – virtual worlds where companies build, test and develop solutions and then bring them to the real world,” according to Microsoft Corporate Vice President Gurdeep Pall.

How will the AirSim Project work?

Based on a soon-to-be-deprecated open source project of the same name, the “new” AirSim is a proprietary platform that offers more out-of-the-box features and requires less technical knowledge to make it operational. To make it easier, this It is available for free on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.

In a pilot project, US company Airtonomy gained early access to Microsoft’s flight simulation platform. Speaking to the BBC, company founder and CEO Josh Riedy said that before AirSim, teams of three employees should review: The blades of huge wind turbines 80 meters high.

Now, says Riedy, “they just need to know how to put batteries in a drone and push a button.” The manager says the rest is done autonomously by drones.

Source: Tec Mundo

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