Contrary to popular belief, the Ig Nobel Prize was established not to ridicule science, but for its adventures on the other side, little known to the general public. It’s sweet and wrong, but they expand our knowledge of the world – it turns out that cancer in children can be easily cured if it is done
One of the most outstanding achievements of this year’s Ig Nobel Laureates was a study by three cognitive scientists who proved that legal texts are extremely difficult to read. To “Superfluous”, “Useless” and “Esoteric” – it turns out that almost all legal documents in writing seem to be an extremely inconvenient text for perception.
Another notable claim has been made by Brazilian biologists who have figured out the defense mechanism of the scorpion. These cases in a critical situation can drop their tail to be torn apart by a predator, save Alas, in a few months they will still die – from constipation. The only thing that remains for the sorpion t such a situation is to have time to ss s s s s s s s
Among other interesting Ig Nobel Prizes in 2022, a bold experiment can be distinguished, in which the effectiveness of enemas performed on the study of the Mayan people’s technology was studied on its own.
Source: Tech Cult