One of the most common things to do with smartphones now is to record. videos, either to remember a visit to an important place or just to leave a memory of the funniest moments that happened with friends. Well, you may have to to cut the resulting file and you don’t know how to do it. We show you a simple way to achieve this: Google Photos.
The truth is that this is a great tool from the Mountain View company and among the many virtues it offers is being able to cut videos properly. simple and effective. So, since the download and installation is completely complete, there is a great possibility that you will seriously consider porting your terminal, be it iOS or Android. Free…which obviously adds to its attractiveness.
What you need to do to cut videos with Google Photos
we leave you one Step by step which you need to follow to achieve the goal of shrinking the video you record and becomes a great option for example when posting on Instagram Reels. Also you should know quality is not lost While some do, this is always positive because the definition will continue to be as good as the normal definition offered by your smartphone’s camera. This is what you have to do.
- Open the Google Photos app as usual and on its first screen find the video you want to edit to cut. Once you find it, click on it to open the management interface.
- If you don’t see a lower ribbon with the edit icon, tap the screen and then use it to access all the tools the app needs to replace, in this case videos.
- You’ll see the video’s image in the upper area and the timeline just below it. Drag the starting and trailing white line to leave exactly the desired frames with their corresponding durations.
- If you’re done you can check how everything looks in the top area, you have to use the Save copy button. And that’s the very positive thing about Google Photos: You don’t lose it because it doesn’t overwrite the original file. If you want to remove it, do it manually.
- After this is done, you are done and you can make another print if you wish, as there is no limitation in this regard.

As you can see, it cannot be more easy Start cutting a video with Google Photos and you can do all this without having to pay anything as the app is free. Meanwhile, there are many more editing options For images and recordings in the application, which we invite you to get to know, as they are quite useful.
Source: Cincodias Elpais