Researchers from the University of North Carolina urge not to jump to conclusions from their observation of unexpected cases of adolescent development. Because they themselves did not come to unambiguous conclusions, except that there is such an influence and it is very strong. Do you know the story of the prince, who many years ago, didn’t you think to yourself – what is this message?
The study involved 169 years of high school, with an age of 12 years. Chenykh first of all turn xrrrrrrrrrr Simply put, how important it is for children to receive intangible rewards and objects in the form of smiles, gestures of approval, pleasant or negative comments on their actions – in the usual case, on publication in social networks.
It turned out that initially those who frequently check social networks, from 15 times a day or more, responded little to Yuqing’s social media. At the moment, the number of foreigners 1-2 races of the day – on the contrary, was very sensitive to each smiley or face. But a few years later, the picture completely changed, the regulars of social networks began to react very anxiously to all updates in the feed, and rare visitors to social networks were practically indifferent to what appeared there.
In parallel, brain scans were carried out in adolescents, which is associated with the processing of emotions and memory. This is the basis for the formation of personality, for the future of adulthood. Perhaps this is just a reaction to the behavior, which is based on modern people. But it is unlikely that we are talking about something much higher, which cannot yet be calculated. understand.
Source: Tech Cult