One gloomy evening 17 years ago, developer Graydon Hoare from the Mozilla team wearily climbed the 21st floor, into the house. In this case, it was an unplanned cardio workout, along with two house lifts. there was a failure in the memory of a device that was too “smart” at that time, which used software written on the lips.

The resulting negative experience inspired Hoare to create a new programming language called “Rust”. This has been compromised by C++ and Java support. The first situation with a flexible set of functions, but with the requirement of strict control over the state of memory, with an error threatened to stop the application from working – which happened with the ill-fated elevator. In Java, a servi-scavenger was added to solve the problem, which itself carefully cleaned the memory. But this approach requires a lot of resources and is not suitable for using ubiquitous systems, including .

In the state of rust, soldering monitors the communication symbol about the name of the programmer, but the latter must poison with with with with. The resulting ideas were received with the memory of the program, so they quickly gained popularity, and the yazavik azavyk. Gradually, a garbage collector was collected from it, the coding rules were simplified, and in 2015 the first stable runes came out. Today, it is widely involved in various fields and is officially recommended as the safest mint. programming.

Source: Tech Cult

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