This publisher Kelly Caron (Kjanecaron) experienced a great fear on the live broadcast Twitch held this Wednesday (11). As it flowed straight out of her home kitchen, she left a pan on the stove for longer than it should have, and the result was disastrous.

Noticing the smoke rising in the pot and then the flames, the woman decided to take the pot to the sink and splash water on it to put out the fire. However, the action put water in pan with hot oil and it wasn’t a good idea to be on fire anyway.

After the movement of the streamer, an even bigger flame appeared in the pan, which was taken back to the stove and continued to burn, increasing the risk of fire in the kitchen. In the recording (see below), you can see Kelly desperate and unsure of what to do, asking for help from viewers who were watching her live on Twitch before the broadcast ended.

In cases like the ones with the streamer kjanecaronFirefighter’s advice noDo not try to extinguish the fire in the pan with oil using water.. Under these conditions, contact between two substances can produce a gas that disperses the oil into the environment, causing an explosion with the risk of fire spreading and reaching people and objects.

just a fear

Shortly after the incident took place, Kelly took to Instagram to update her followers about her condition. According to him, it was necessary to call the fire department to put out the flames that did not spread throughout the room, she.

In addition to frightening him, neighbors (due to the screaming) and those watching his stream on Twitch, the close fire in the streamer’s kitchen also burned Kjanecaron’s hand.

Source: Tec Mundo

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