“What is this for?” This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions. math teachers. Haters of this topic tend to think that they will never use it in their daily lives, despite the fact that mathematics is everywhere, from the shopping list to the pandemic we have experienced. But not only that, mathematics is also behind perfect orgasm.
This conclusion was reached by a group of scientists from the University of Sussex, the results of which can be read in the study. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science.
In it, they developed complex mathematical formulas based on psychological and physiological problems perfect orgasm. These are not formulas that anyone can test in the bedroom, but they can help experts better understand the male orgasm and advise men to see a doctor or sexologist if they have orgasm problems. Also, with what they’ve learned from this first study, they hope they can do the same for the female orgasm, even though it’s much more difficult.
First you must understand the brain
The perfect orgasm is influenced by both psychological and physiological factors, so as in brain plays a very important role.
For this reason, these scientists began by analyzing previous studies in which the brain of a man during intercourse was studied using magnetic resonance imaging. This allowed us to see that immediately before orgasm, many parts of the brain stop their activity. Mainly amygdala, responsible for processing emotions and threatening stimuli; V frontal areas of the cortexthat control judgment and decision making, and orbitofrontal cortexwhich integrates sensory information and is involved in decision making about emotional and reward behaviors.
Thus, it can be said that during climax, most of the brain is switched off. This is a complete shutdown of thoughts. All this, along with the climactic phases, including arousal, plateau, orgasm and resolution, was taken into account when developing the formulas.
The math behind the perfect orgasm
These scientists have developed very complex mathematical formulas that allow us to calculate the best psychological and physiological factors to achieve male orgasm. Although these are calculations that should be done by people with a good knowledge of mathematics, some advice can be drawn from them.
For example, it is better to start small. If the arousal is too strong at the beginning or even before the onset of sexual intercourse, it will be much more difficult to achieve orgasm. We’ve already seen what they’re looking for switch off brainso thinking too much doesn’t help.
What is all this for?
The calculations also take into account factors unrelated to sexual intercoursefor example, daytime excitement or so-called wet dreams.
Ultimately everything stochastic factors, which are random phenomena that can be quantified statistically. In this way, one can see combinations of stages that lead to orgasm more easily and, in turn, better understand the pathologies that lead to its absence.
We already know that orgasm should not be the sole purpose of a sexual relationship. Actually, think a lot about searching it’s the worst thing to do. But we also know that this is a pleasant result that indicates good sexual health. Thus, these formulas are a blessing for those who have trouble achieving them. If at the same time there are those who continue to believe that mathematics is useless, we give up.
Source: Hiper Textual