Until February 28th, there is a deadline for merchants, entrepreneurs, micro and small entrepreneurs in the country to register for the Simple Tax Regime and enjoy the new benefits. tax reform It was approved in 2022.
The most prominent benefits 4×1000 discount on tax payablereduction in rates (between 1.8 and 8.3 percent), expansion of groups (from 4 to 6, including more economic activity), payment of up to 7 taxes in a single receipt, improved cash flows and hiring discounts staff among others.
Likewise, another of the new features of this system is, Gross income less than 148,442,000 pesos by 2023 (500 UVT), they will not need to make bimonthly advance payments, they will only need to submit the consolidated annual statement.
Those wishing to be part of this regime and enjoy these benefits should update their Single Tax Registry (RUT) with 47 Simple Taxation Regime responsibilities via RUT’s electronic service or App Dian (available on Play Store and App Store).
The registration deadline has been activated from last January 1st and until next February 28. If the interested party is an entrepreneur who does not yet have an RUT, he can register for the Simple Taxation Regime at any time of the year.
Source: Exame