Telegram has become one of the most used instant messaging apps on the planet. With over 700 million monthly active users, A team of programmers is required to continuously optimize the operation of the platform in order to provide a better service to its customers.
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For this reason, a new software has been implemented to reduce the energy consumption of iOS and Android devices while the ‘application’ is running. Version 9.5 released last week with one “Don’t save” option where you can change the load reductions manually.
This lets you send messages when your phone’s battery is at its last percentages, so it’s ideal in an emergency. When the mod is enabled, seven multimedia resources that consume the most memory and load.
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You must have already updated the app to access this mode. It’s as simple as entering Select ‘Settings’ and gear icon in Telegram The one you see at the bottom left of your screen (settings slot).
You have to go down until you find the section. “Energy-saving”, select it and activate the mod. You can disable the options you want at any time, lachieve a personalized adaptation.
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Source: Exame