Lokithe unsurpassed God of Deception Tom Hiddleston, it’s back. The character comes to the rescue Marvel Studios difficult year. It’s been 27 months, more than 2 years, since the last episode of the first season aired. This story ended with an unexpected ending, which foreshadowed what was to happen not only in the series, but also in the future. Marvel Cinematic Universe All in all. Now the answers have finally arrived.

The second season begins with a direct connection to the outcome of the first. That is, Sylvie just killed The one who staysthat option Kang which dominated the entire Sacred Timeline. Without it, time is destabilized and hundreds of thousands of branches are created, giving rise to an infinite number of alternative realities. In its turn, Loki was pushed by his female version through the portal and returned to AVT. Only it’s not the one he knows. Statues Kang They decorate this place and Mobius He doesn’t even know who he is.

In these final scenes, it became clear that the entire time paradox that occurred in the first season Loki It will only get worse. This was the main promise of the new part, the first four episodes of which we have already been able to see. In addition, they also had to be marked with a new variant of Kang, Victor Timelyand for signing Ke Hai Quan. A Vietnamese who became famous as a child in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom And in Gooniesjust won Oscar for Best Supporting Actor Everything at once everywhere. His presence in the series is one of the ingredients that has attracted the most attention.

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Lokiseason 2

Loki, Tom Hiddleston’s acclaimed series, is one of Marvel fans’ most popular offerings since Avengers: Endgame. The second season grows in ambition and shines with its characters and relationships, although it gets lost in its overly complex and chaotic plot. Ke Hai Quan stands out as a star contract

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Loki goes from smallest to largest

Marvel knows that a lot of time has passed since the airing of the sixth episode of the first season, where the first part came to an end. Therefore, the first thing it does as soon as it starts is to remember the situation in which we find ourselves. To do this, they creatively use the problem that their main character suffers from – time shift. Thanks to this plot, the series allows itself to refresh the memory that AVThow it works and what happened to death The one who stays.

This is an original starter, although not brilliant. The repetition is constant, so that the world the series builds becomes as established as it once was. And this slowness plays against the head. However, little by little Loki is gaining strength. Time spent in AVT It’s interesting, but satiating. Very long dialogues can ruin your interest. To try to avoid this, two fundamental decisions are made.


First, there is the episodic structure. Many of the series Marvel sinned by becoming “long films cut into pieces.” There was no such television structure, but a great story was told from beginning to end. A very common trick in the industry on a general level, but if the plot is not spectacular, it works worse. That’s why this series Scarlet Witch and Vision They are so good. There is a main story, but it develops in episodes that have a beginning, middle and end. And this is the dignity with which he plays Loki. The entire plot of temporary chaos is covered with small storylines that are revealed in each episode. This seems basic, but it doesn’t hurt to remember that this is how you work in television.

The second structural problem that helps Loki to be firm is that between adventure and adventure in AVT, the characters also go outside, just like in the first season. And these outdoor missions give the series a great sense of ease. Bringing everyone into action, the series returns to the Marvel formula that has been honed over the years and stands on its own. Enough to later return to your idiosyncrasies with greater enthusiasm. Additionally, it should be noted that the special effects are very well done and the production design is simply sensational.


Characters are the most important thing

Without a doubt the strongest point Loki It’s a great dynamic that is established between his characters. Countless scenes in the halls AVT and all missions show that the focus is on continuing to build relationships between Mobius and his own Loki, mostly. The big plus of this proposal is the way they can communicate, understand each other and work together. Mainly because there are so many Tom Hiddleston How Owen Wilson They exude charisma and chemistry from all four sides. The bromance continues and works even better than it did in the first season, if that were possible.

On the other hand, it should be noted that Loki, as such, is much more restrained than before. This gradual turn from villain to hero made the character much less eccentric. Now he is a gentleman, polite, serious and elegant. This is a very interesting and logical nuance for a man who has experienced so much misfortune, although it lacks the sadistic madness that made him so popular in his early years. MCU. Luckily, some scenes allow him to let his fans and viewers loose. Hiddleston You can tell he’s having a great time at times like these.

Other very important characters are Sylvie. Sofia Di Martino and, above all, Victor Timely from Jonathan Majors. The former became one of the favorites of Marvel fans with her thirst for revenge and composure, hiding a huge heart deep down. Second season Loki It is very continuous, so it will surely convince fans of the series. The downside is that its presence has been reduced in favor of others such as Mobius, OB or Timely.

WITH majors the scenario is different. The abundant irony and imposing presence of El Que Remanece gives way to the opposite of this option. Victor Timely is a stuttering and cowardly scientist. To try and convey this feeling majors offers a completely bizarre, exaggerated and alienated performance. The ending with him is interesting, and he is also very goal-oriented, although sometimes it is not in the tone of the series.

But if there’s anyone who completely dominates the series in every scene he appears in, it’s Ke Hai Quan. Oscar-winning performer gives life ABOUT.engineer from AVT capable of almost any device or invention. Her innocent and down-to-earth personality is hilarious. Marvel was counting heavily on this signing for the show’s second season. Loki. And the result couldn’t have been better, even overshadowing the good work of the rest of the cast. Every time he appears, the series grows incredibly. Even in the most boring and difficult to understand moments, ABOUT. He is able to attract anyone to him again.

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Temporal chaos and frantic pace

Where Loki It’s not as successful as the first season, it’s a matter of storytelling. This time, instead of focusing on explaining parallel realities and time jumps, the writers wanted to be ambitious and go even further. So much so that it got out of control. The whole sci-fi issue is chaotic, confusing and very hard to follow. Just when the concept seems to be understood, a new problem arises that completely changes what happens. It’s as if you need a previous course in theoretical physics before playing the game. Feeling depressed all the time. While this would likely be mitigated with a weekly release, something simpler would have worked better.

The series also does not shine, like the previous part, in tone. The second season is much more humorless. Drama takes over, and jokes and funny moments, even physical humor, fade into the background. There is nothing excessive about this, but it seems that a much more pronounced density and solemnity has been chosen. The laughter comes gradually. The decision is logical, but does not mean correct, if we take into account the numerous criticisms addressed to Marvel for abusing easy mercy.

On the other hand, rhythm Loki This is crazy crazy. There is no time for pause, everything happens at breakneck speed. Sometimes this works against itself, especially when it comes to complex and bombastic scientific storytelling. But other than that, he’s very grateful. If in other series like Secret Invasion The public complained that nothing was happening, but the opposite was being promoted here. It’s impossible to get bored here, and if you just look away for a minute, you can get lost and have to press the “Back” button. The result is extremely entertaining. Added to this is the increasing epicness of the series as the episodes progress. Chapters 5 and 6 are intended to be a very important before and after. The series will premiere on October 6 (the night of the 5th in Latin America) on Disney+.

Source: Hiper Textual

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