Enfield poltergeist from AppleTV+, attempts to reconstruct with scientific rigor one of the most controversial supernatural events in history. The Hodgson family’s experience is one of the best documented in terms of alleged unexplained phenomena. Moreover, for more than a year he suffered from an attack by an invisible entity.

The situation soon became the source of investigations and public speculation. Especially when it seemed that there was a large amount of irrefutable data proving what happened through audio recordings, videos and photographs. But as decades have passed, the accusations of fraud that were raised from the beginning have become much more direct.. Participants were accused of exaggerating, falsifying events, and even outright planning a deception strategy.

However, on the contrary, much of the accompanying material remains unexplained. In particular, those that are confirmed by the police or other officials of the country. Meanwhile, the circumstances of what happened in Enfield continue to be the subject of debate about the credibility of physical evidence of paranormal activity. A moment in which a famous story has great significance.

Events that allegedly occurred

In 1977, divorced mother Peggy Hodgson was living in Enfield, London, with her four children. Margaret (13 years old), Janet (11 years old), Johnny (10 years old) and Billy (7 years old) were normal children with no history of psychiatric problems. A point that was emphasized during the years when they were immersed in arguments about the events they testified took place in the house. It was a small two-story building. provided by the government due to the Hodgsons’ difficult financial situation.

On August 11 of that year, Peggy called the police after Margaret and Janet were terrorized by an unseen presence. According to what he told the officials who responded to the call – testimony recorded Daily mail — two wooden pieces of furniture were moving around the area. A phenomenon that the officers witnessed and included in their report. However, other events described by witnesses, including voices, levitation, and pushing of family members, could not be verified.

Despite this and after the British newspaper Daily Mirror took the news for granted, and the incident became part of the public debate. In the following months, several newspapers sent journalists to investigate the facts.With. Which led to almost daily monitoring of seemingly inexplicable events occurring in the house. Especially when members That Society for Psychical Research Maurice Gross and Guy Lyon Playfair joined the movement.

But by December of that year, the only evidence available was still the original police report and the family’s testimony. The video, audio and photographic recordings were a mixture of eerie sounds. Most of them can be explained by physical means. From supposed demonic voices that were attributed to Janet’s attempts at ventriloquism, to images of girls apparently floating in the air. The latter were immediately neglected, considering that they depicted only jumping young women.

Event that became a scandal

By January 1978, events had deteriorated to such an extent that they required the intervention of the British authorities. A judge, several prosecutors and even a social services representative were dispatched. Time and time again attempts have been made to prove the credibility or manner in which the Hodgsons committed the fraud. By that time, not only the two eldest daughters, but also the rest of the family were no longer involved in the situation. This included objects exploding around them and a chorus of disembodied voices tormenting them.

In 2012, Janet explained to iTV that the worst thing was seeing herself almost strangled by the curtain next to her bed. However, the only evidence of this is his testimony. Same as the various circumstances that only happened when the Hodgsons were alone. Doors closed and opened, windows exploded for no reason, and even Peggy fell, which she attributed to the disembodied entity.

Towards the final months of that year, events became stranger: a supposed spirit was communicating through Janet. The deep, cavernous voice was recorded several times shouting obscenities. The girl barely opened her lips, but the sound undoubtedly came from her mouth. The apparition insisted that its name was Bill Wilkins and that it lived in the Hodgson house. But despite her screams and ramblings, Janet was accused of pretending to be possessed. Particularly because most of the time the spirit only manifested itself when the children were alone.

An unusual ending to an inexplicable event

Unlike what was presented in Warren File: Enfield CaseJames Wan, Ed and Lorraine Warren did not participate. Self-proclaimed demonologists visited this place only once. Many of the plot twists included in the film, such as ghostly creatures with toys or upside-down crucifixes, were not real. On the other hand, researcher Anita Gregory concluded What The cause of the events was family. TOsomething that even Janet later confirmed.

The end of events is also much less impressive than one might expect. The Hogdsons moved out, and although there were reports of some unexplained events happening to them, none of them were of much significance. Even today there is debate between skeptics and believers, but there is no answer to what happened at Anfield.

Source: Hiper Textual

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