Premiere Moana 2 (Moana 2 in Spain) marks the theatrical release of Disney’s new animated musical. The House of Mouse is once again looking to pepper its film with some musical numbers that will captivate kids and adults alike and keep them singing for weeks. And music in the company’s productions is one of the most important elements. Many of his songs became anthems that went down in cinema history.

IN Moana 2composers Emily Bear And Abigail Barlow take up the baton Lin Manuel Miranda write new songs. A very difficult task for which it was necessary to carefully prepare. Because writing Disney songs hits the ceiling in your profession in the film industry. “First of all, it’s the honor of our lives, but at the same time it’s quite surreal,” he tells us. Bearonly 23 years old, in an interview with Hipertextual.

“Just being in an environment where literally everyone at Disney Animation is happy… They’re happy, they love their job and they’re very passionate about what they do. Being in that environment almost every day for the last two and a half years has been one of the best experiences a young musician could have. It was incredible,” says the composer. Moana 2.

What’s it like writing Disney songs?

Over the decades, numerous tunes have captivated audiences and won all kinds of awards and recognition. So many Bear How Barlow They clearly know their favorites. “Now my favorite Distance doesn’t matterfrom Herculesbut tomorrow will probably be different,” he says. Bear between laughter.

“I love it part of itfrom Little Mermaid. Also Ideal worldfrom Aladdin. I also love villain songs. I like them Mother knows wellfrom confused And Poor disgraced soulsfrom Little Mermaid“, joins Barlow. “I also like big, epic, lush ones. For example, Colors in the wind from Pocahontas“, he notes again Bear. “my reflectionfrom Mulan“, concludes his partner.

In addition, composers Moana 2 They tell us what makes Disney songs special. “I think the person singing it must have a real intention. You don’t want him to sing it just to hear the sound of his own voice. I hate it when that happens because I’m like, “Oh, shut up.” up”. But there’s something about the Disney soundtrack that transports you into that world. It’s very different from the pop songs you hear on the radio,” he explains. Bear.

“There’s a quote Alfred Hitchcock what I love and what I am going to destroy. Essentially, it’s something like: “The more specific you are, the more universal you become.” And I think that’s very true when it comes to Disney because obviously every movie has its own personality and a very specific story. But we all see a part of ourselves reflected in the characters in the film and especially in the songs,” says the young artist, who Moana 2 adds his name to the prestigious list of people who have ever written songs for Disney.

MOANA 2 (Moana 2)

More mature songs

IN Moana 2the main character has matured, and therefore her view of the world has become more adult. The process that Bear And Barlow They are also reflected in their songs. “I think we wanted to stand with one foot forward and one foot out, to give credit and respect to the world that had already been created in Moana. But the world has also become larger. The ocean has become darker Moana. We were also able to introduce new characters. So with this you can create a new sound and put yourself in the shoes of them all,” explains the latter.

His partner joins in speculating about the big changes to the film’s soundtrack. Moana 2stating that given her age, it is very important to give the heroine new features. “I feel it, especially with Moanashe had a very strong character in the first film and the tone of the song “What’s Beyond?” extremely optimistic. Now she is older and knows much more about the world. Understand its beauty, as well as how terrifying it can be. That’s why a song like Al Final is a little darker, it’s more mature,” he comments. Bear.

MOANA 2 (Moana 2)

Moana She shows more vulnerability in this film, and I think that was important because if you imagine yourself between the ages of 16 and 19, it’s a big leap. I know three years may not seem like a long time when you get older, but at this point in life you become a different person. So allowing her voice to grow was one of the most important parts of our composition,” says the artist, happy that she achieved her goal.

Moana 2 (Moana 2) opens in theaters on November 29.

Source: Hiper Textual

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