One of the most evocative moments of Stranger Things 4 is the scene where ShallAfter encouraging and empowering Mike, she surrenders herself in a cry in which she shows in a personal way that she hears all the words he uttered on the issue of diversity. The allusion also went to homosexuality, and the actor himself Noah Schnap recently confirmed that Will is gay, that he is in love with Mike.

Here are his words:

I think it’s pretty clear this season that Will has feelings for Mike. This is a detail that has so far been deliberately omitted. There were a few little hints in season 1, and now in season 4 it was time for my character to show the love he had for his friend, struggle with it and think it wrong. Will has always felt this. All his friends have girlfriends, while Will has never found a situation where he could mirror himself. And that’s why a lot of people turned to me and said they’ve seen themselves in Will, because he’s a very realistic character.

Keep in mind that Stranger Things 4: Volume 2 will be available July 1.

Source: Lega Nerd

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