The series of original shorts I am tallspin-off the Guardians of the Universearrives on Disney+ on August 10: here are two new, fun, official posters featuring the tender Groot.
Speaking of Groot’s character, director James Gunn said some time ago:
Big personality was something that was already written in black and white above the pages of the script, but we forgot about that when the first movie was made. But now everyone knows Groot to such a degree that they are more aware of it, even on our part as we shoot the scenes, and we realize that Baby Groot is always there. I think he’s a really well-written character, especially compared to the first Groot. Not that it was poorly written before, but now it’s definitely more complete.
Not much has been revealed about the plot of these shorts, which will be canonical, but unlike the Holiday Special, they should just be funny little curtains featuring beloved Marvel space characters.
Source: Lega Nerd