There are three things you need to know about season 3 and the series finale. locke and key from Netflix. First, that he endeavors in a kind and touching manner to restore the force of his illustrious first chapters. Secondly, this does not reach it. And third, that the conclusion of the argument is weak and disappointing precisely because of the above. What is curious is that it is not a lack of interest in history, which embraces fantasy in a new way. The real disadvantage is that their narrative resources are lacking for the ambitions of the program.

The production entered the Netflix catalog as a promise. This is a reconstruction of the fantasy genre on a more subtle, personal and emotional level than the usual productions on the platform. This was good stuff. The comic book of the same name by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez is a beautiful box of surprises that also cleverly combines the notions of the supernatural and the sensual. At the same time, he adds a proper exploration of grief and emotional pain. This is while the Locke family struggles to understand the magical mystery that unites them. This combination promised a high-level show.

But the show is entering its third season, and there’s not much to say about it. What began with the murder of Rendell Locke (Bill Heck) culminates in the midst of the confusing atmosphere of an unfinished journey. The attractiveness of the Keyhouse mansion as the center of unexplained events is also undermined.

Main storylines about magic keys they did not come to a conclusion that was consistent with their inspired hypothesis. A consequence of how the essence of the Locke family blurred over time. The widow Nina (Darby Stanchfield) became a reference character, a weightless cut in the story. The same is true for Tyler (Connor Jessup), Kinsey (Emilia Jones), and Bode (Jackson Robert Scott), whose stories fell apart until they dissolved each other.

What happens when a room loses its most recognizable features? locke and key there was a second season in which all the efforts of the first went to dust. Maybe it was because the absence of a villain with sufficient thoroughness. Or the fact that the plot tried to cover very broad areas in order to support a proposal that was overwhelming it. Whatever the reason, the program failed. And this is more evident than ever in the third season and farewell to the multiscreen.

Warning, spoilers ahead!

sour farewell to locke and key

New season locke and key starts immediately after the previous one. This means that the consequences of turning to Frederick Gideon (Kevin Durand) will be noticeable. But despite having only eight chapters to tell his story, series is slow. And that includes an analysis of what happened to the main characters. A roadmap reflecting the permanence of the supernatural in the Locke family.

At first, Tyler decided to abandon the idea of ​​magic, which gives him a chance at a normal life. Or at least as simple as it can be in the midst of a hidden feeling that the extraordinary is about to return to his mind. On the other hand, Nina makes the opposite definition. Now the inexplicable leaves a deep imprint on his behavior. locke and key establishes an obvious parallelism between both experiences. And the path that each character must travel to confront the villain of the season and his diabolical abilities. The result is the high point of the script in its final episodes.

This is the exact way to immerse yourself in the reality of the fantastic. What is the influence of the supernatural on a family united by sensitive ties? After all, locke and key this is a story about pain. The argument acknowledges its origin and returns to its strongest element. The legacy of the late father – this connection with the disturbing and beautiful – is strong again. However, this is wasted as the plot degenerates too quickly towards the end.

locke and key

All hasty closure

With fewer episodes and shorter than the rest of the seasons, the closure locke and key It has a lot forced and artificial withdrawal. Even when Tyler returns to the family home to contextualize the idea of ​​the inexplicable that keeps the series going, the script falls short. The series abandons its identity in favor of spectacle. Or fulfill the television formula that separates it from the nostalgic darkness, one of its most famous elements.

And as Gideon struggles to open the door for the demons, nothing seems very certain or well explained. With the advent of new keys and less time to learn their usefulness, the script is in a hurry. This is while the incarnation of darkness struggles to generate shock or even interest. But this is a nightmarish villain that lacks substance. Is it necessary to show evil and anxiety so clearly? With no point in fighting, the program relies on its very complex network of interconnections. Which brother has which key and what does each of them do in particular? locke and key insists on solving his problem map in a short amount of time and with little skill.

And in the end, everyone lived relatively happily.

locke and key

For its climax locke and key he goes to great lengths to ensure that every line and every twist of the story is carefully crafted. Which would be nice if it wasn’t for the fact that Netflix series have always celebrated a sort of chaotic life force that was sorely lacking. But his later episodes lack that sparkling, often elusive, graceful grace that made it clear that magic is the manifestation of the unpredictable.

Production says goodbye carefully. Although there were colossal and extensive opportunities to tell an unforgettable story. Nonetheless, locke and key it’s a bunch of product. Perhaps the biggest problem faced at all times is the adaptation of a larger, more complex and deeper mythology.

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Source: Hiper Textual
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