First of all, it’s time to remember (sometimes we forget) that the three mentioned in the title, and many others, are companies. They don’t owe us anything and obviously care about their profits.
However, you’ve probably already read that Apple has raised the monthly fees for several of its services, notably Apple TV+, Apple Music, and Apple One. Prices, depending on the service and plan, will increase from 1 to 3 euros per month..
Apple explains this by saying that the music license has risen in price and costs more. that Apple TV + was a desert at first and now it’s full of good TV shows and blablablabut in the end, our pockets matter to all of us, and we will have less money to spend on other things.
Amazon already raised the price of their subscription a few months ago, and yes, it’s true that it can be criticized too, but here comes Prime’s free shipping, which in a way makes up for this increase if we take into account everything else that the subscription offers. but another classic of our monthly bank check is Netflix.
Seeing how he could do this, it seems that in the end, he will be taxing users who share an account with an additional tax for each user outside of the family core (aka main IP) and this will make us pay 3 or 4 euros more for the total bill.
But there’s more… Disney+! This is not surprising as the mouse company has entered the streaming segment with strength with a fairly attractive price that has risen slightly in 2021 and basically the CEO is saying that this is a cheap subscription and should go up in price even more so that we will be ready
And, of course, there are other services that have risen in price, but I do not use them and I can confirm my point of view using the examples given. I currently use Apple One, Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Filmin and Amazon Prime..
I could afford all those subscriptions (not to mention the video game subscriptions that also accumulate at the end of the month) because the price was competitive. However, it looks like all the companies have started to think that their platform has more value than their neighbor’s and have started jacking up prices, which could force the average user with multiple subscriptions… to make a decision.
And that’s what if they raise the price of everything (and gas, weekly purchases, electricity…), I might have to start cutting and I was left with only two platforms and YouTube, which is still my television.
Two years ago, more or less, the user was the beneficiary, but now we are in a completely different situation, which explains very well how all companies work. When they calm down and get you hooked, they raise the price of their subscription, and since you’re usually too lazy to unsubscribe, well, you don’t and end up paying a lot of money.
Here, and not as in the weekly purchase, in the end we have the right to decide not to pay more for a service that has become less attractive. Is it a shame because we might be missing something? Yes, completely, but I also tell you with 2 subscriptions instead of 5 I will still have a lot of content to watch every week. And I’m sure you… too.
Source: Computer Hoy