We’ll have to travel back to 2020 to find the first rumors of a DC Extended Universe reboot. This came as a result of disastrous results, both critically and at the box office, Justice League. Now, three years later, the assumption has come true. James Gunn confirmed during the presentation of the future of DC that DCEU will be rebooted in Flash.
AT video posted on Twitter, James Gunn referred to Flash: “This is a fantastic film that I love very much, resets the entire DC Universe“.
Why Flash bear such an important responsibility? We must not forget that this feature film, for the first time in the DC Extended Universe, explores the phenomenon multiverse.
Like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the multiverse allows for entirely new stories to be created. The limit is in the work of writers.
Thus, the DC did not want to miss the opportunity to finally leave proposals Zack Snyder, which laid the narrative foundations of the DCEU. The problem is that, generally speaking, his films were failures.
Moreover, James Gunn was not going to waste time trying to fix the course of the universe when he could create a completely new one.
Keep in mind the fact that Flash reboot DC Extended Universe this does not mean that they will completely forget the past. In this sense, James Gunn commented: “The only thing we can promise is that everything, from Superman and further, starting from our first project, there will be Canyon and you will be in touch. We bring in some actors from the past, but not others. From now on, everything will be connected and consistent.”
The DC Extended Universe won’t forget the past
As for the actors who could reprise their role in the future, James Gunn considered each case. First what was known: Henry Cavill (Superman) and Ben Affleck (Batman) are excluded. Ezra Miller (The Flash), for his part, doesn’t close the door despite the personal issues he’s going through. Relatively Gal Gadot (Wonderful woman) Jason Momoa (Aquaman) and Zachary Levy (Shazam), did not close the doors to future participation:
“There is no reason why all these people could be part of the DC Extended Universe. We just haven’t decided on the story we want to tell yet, including Shazam or Aquaman.”
James Gunn.
Of course, it is clear that the first chapter of the DC Extended Universe, titled gods and monsters, does not consider any of them. Perhaps then they will have a chance at a later stage.
What will happen to Superman? James Gunn has greenlit another film Superman: Legacy. It will focus on Clark Kent’s early years as a superhero, so look for an actor younger than Henry Cavill.
There is still no indication of a Batman who could play him in the DC Extended Universe after Ben Affleck. But James Gunn takes his time with this character, as he Batmanthe action of which takes place in another universe, will have a continuation. Batman: Part 2 opens October 3, 2025.
Now you know DC will try to take a new course with Flash, which is scheduled to premiere on June 16, 2023.
Source: Hiper Textual