Advertising “stories” will contain images, text and links that may lead to external sources. For analytics, the ability to track clicks on ad links will be added.

There are also various limits and features that may be available for different categories of users.

Premium subscribers will likely be offered more options such as longer story captions and availability time restriction.

Regular users will likely be limited to the number of stories they post and will get a story reporting feature.

In addition, users will have several options for managing stories: tagging people, archiving stories, turning off notifications for them, choosing which stories to show on their profile and limiting the availability of download, screenshot and screen recording for viewing stories.

Source: Ferra

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I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.


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