The RB.RU news department writes about technology and venture deals, funds, news from technology companies, product launches that are of interest to a large number of users; unique technologies, legislative initiatives, laws that have come into effect and more.
We’ve created rules for incoming requests that will make it easier to know what to offer and to whom.
- To find out if your news is suitable for our publication and whether we write on the proposed topic, study the materials in the section. “News”.
- The news department is responsible for operational information only. If you have a case/speaker, please refer to with rules for columnists.
- We do not display texts before publication. We agree with the speaker only in quotations if we write them ourselves.
- We do not take news from “yesterday” if it was published in other media before reaching us.
- We normally don’t write about paid products for entrepreneurs and users. This is advertising. For commercial placements, contact [email protected], more information here.
- The preferred method of communication is email.
- Yes, we read the email. [email protected]. Don’t duplicate your letters separately for each person in the newsroom.
- Unfortunately, we physically do not have time to answer all the letters, but we do not miss those in which you offer exclusive news.
- If we did not respond to your news service as part of the general newsletter and the news was not published on the website on the same day, it means that it did not suit us.
- We do not publish post-launches or announcements of future events. For informational support, contact [email protected].
- Before publication, we collect information about startups and companies from open sources. We present in the text the financial indicators of its work and ownership structure.
- News headlines and summaries are always at the discretion of the editor. We correct them only if a factual error has been made.
Team RB
Source: RB
I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.