Avto.ru sellers will be able to make their profiles public and receive Pro status. The user’s page will display all their ads, reviews and customer ratings. Thanks to this information you will be able to establish yourself as a professional who makes honest transactions. This was reported to RB.RU by the company’s press service.

Avto.ru sellers will be able to obtain Pro status

Sellers can obtain status at will. From a service point of view, this is simply an additional opportunity for a seller who regularly sells cars to demonstrate to others that their activities are as transparent as possible and that they can be trusted, the representative noted.

The press service added that the publication of more than three advertisements for the sale of passenger cars per year is considered a periodic publication on Avto.ru.

Only those buyers who actually interacted with the seller are invited to leave a review with a cooperative impression.


Karina Pardaeva

Source: RB

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