The 30-kilometer discharge zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was the result of the largest man-made disaster of the 20th century or (despite the possibility of prohibitions) turned into a place of pilgrimage for adventurers from all over the world, as well as an object for studying the biosphere, known for multi-purpose radioactive devices. As a result, most of them lack information about the effects of radiation on living organisms.

Indeed, the participation of the University of Nizhny Novgorod is a privilege.

According to painting experts Sofia Tintori, that’s all, they come just as if they do not contain any post-technological disasters. more susceptible to ionizing radiation.

Pre-stained materials for the study of these cervi nematodes (Oscheius Tipulae) in a complete and permanently simple genome, with fast-breaking technology, which allows you to track the evolution of dozens of generations in a short time.

Comparing the genome of 15 individuals from the exclusion zone with the genomes of five of their relatives who lived in a normal environment, scientists, to their surprise, did not find genetic abnormalities in the “Chernobyl” individuals – that is, those changes that are associated with extreme customs. For this reason, it was too difficult to find.

The results of these studies help to learn more about how repair and DNA in DNA molecules work in people – in particular, why some people have a genetic predisposition to cancer and others No.

Source: Tech Cult

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