Microsoft He launched Copilot Pro, a paid version of OpenAI’s artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistant released last January. However, its international availability has been limited. Up to this day. Redmond Corporation announced that the subscription option is now available in all countries where standard Copilot already operated.

This means that Copilot Pro has now expanded to 222 countries and regions. But not only that, as Microsoft also revealed that will give you free access for one month to everyone who subscribes to this product. An important option.

As a reminder, the monthly cost of Copilot Pro is 20 dollars or 22 eurosand gives you priority access to OpenAI’s most powerful artificial intelligence models. More precisely, GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo. Added to this is the ability to create your own GPT; That is, customized versions of the chatbot that you can use to perform specific tasks.

Another interesting development is that from today Microsoft will make it available to Copilot Pro subscribers in free Microsoft 365 web apps.. This means you can take advantage of the AI ​​assistant in the web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote without having to pay a separate fee to use the office suite.

Redmond also promised to extend this benefit to the Outlook and Microsoft 365 apps for iOS and Android. Although this will be finally decided only in the coming months. It’s worth clarifying that if you want to use Copilot or Copilot Pro in Microsoft 365 desktop apps for PC or Mac, you’ll need a personal or family subscription to that product.

Free month of Microsoft Copilot Pro: how to get it

As we said at the beginning, the global launch of Copilot Pro brought with it an interesting benefit from Microsoft. The company will give subscribers one month free access your assistant based on artificial intelligence. And it’s really easy to get.

The only thing they need to do is install the Copilot app on your iPhone or Android smartphone. Nothing more. Once they meet this requirement and confirm their subscription to Copilot Pro, Microsoft will give them the opportunity to use it free for the first month.

If paying $20 or €22 per month for Copilot Pro is not an option for you, you can continue to use the free version of the assistant. Let’s not forget that Microsoft updated the Copilot standard to connect to GPT-4 Turbo instead of GPT-4. Although this is not always available.

Standard Copilot users are limited to having responses to their queries or directions during peak times come from GPT-3.5. Despite the GPT-4 Turbo update, this AI model will only be available during periods of less congested use.

If you want priority access to the latest generation technology, Copilot Pro is still your most convenient option. Plus, its integration at no additional cost into Microsoft 365 Web Apps not only makes it more economically attractivebut also more useful for everyday tasks.

Source: Hiper Textual

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I am Garth Carter and I work at Gadget Onus. I have specialized in writing for the Hot News section, focusing on topics that are trending and highly relevant to readers. My passion is to present news stories accurately, in an engaging manner that captures the attention of my audience.


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