Last Wednesday (22), during the re:MARS conference in Las Vegas, Rohit Prasad, Senior Vice President at Amazon and Chief Scientist of Alexa, revealed some of the information. personal assistant news One of the highlights is a New feature that can deepen the voice of even the deceased.

In an example presented during the event, Several minutes of audio are used to create the voice of a deceased grandmother reading a bedtime story to her grandchild. The company even claims it’s possible to get one. high-quality sound synthesis using only one minute of sound.

“This required inventions that we had to learn to produce high-quality sound in less than a minute while recording for hours in the studio. The way to achieve this was to frame the problem as a task of transforming sound rather than a way of creating speech,” Prasad said.

a technology intensive

So far, Amazon hasn’t revealed many details about the innovation, just the first presentation during the event. The company has also not announced any release date for the new feature, but the news should be announced soon.

Prahad believes the technology will help people connect with their deceased loved ones – presumably the functionality will make many Alexa users cry when they hear the voice of a deceased family member.

Source: Tec Mundo

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