Apple is “investigating” the possibility developing self-made robots for domestic use. The information comes from journalist Mark Gurman. BloombergWhich often receives hot rumors about the brand’s projects.
entire project remains in the very early stages of the discussion, there’s still no expected announcement or even confirmation that this will actually happen. But this type of product is actually being discussed within the company as a possible next big project.
According to Gurman, the company’s engineers are “exploring” different formats. One of them is a Portable robot that follows the user around the house. Another prototype developed was One device with a self-moving screen that fits on surfaces such as a table.
According to Gurman, the idea would not be to launch a humanoid robot the size of an adult human, as in Tesla’s plans, for example. The product is more similar to mobile personal assistants, such as in the projects of South Korean LG.
Discussions are ongoing in the company’s artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and engineering division about launching a home robot. The team includes executives with hardware and home product experience at the company, including John Giannandrea, Matt Costello and Brian Lynch.
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Apple’s entry into the field of robotics is still unclear, but it is already an old dream for the company and one that could be made a priority in the coming years. This is due to possible pressure on the brand to introduce a revolutionary new device to the market.
According to Gurman, the company has already announced that it will invest in areas such as home products and mixed reality. This latter idea is already being implemented with the Apple Vision Pro headset, which has been sold in the United States since February.
The third sector in which the company wants to compete is automotive, but these plans have already been shelved. At the end of February this year, he stopped the project to develop an autonomous and electric car It was an issue that had been on the company’s agenda for nearly ten years.
Apple, on the other hand, has directed much of its project team and budget towards the field of artificial intelligence, which should be the next big step for the next iPhone. The company has not made any comments on the subject of the report so far. Bloomberg.
Source: Tec Mundo

I am a passionate and hardworking journalist with an eye for detail. I specialize in the field of news reporting, and have been writing for Gadget Onus, a renowned online news site, since 2019. As the author of their Hot News section, I’m proud to be at the forefront of today’s headlines and current affairs.