Elon Musk’s social network X has decided to close its office in Brazil under pressure from Supreme Court Judge Alexander de Moraes for failure to comply with content requirements. But X’s representatives consider these demands to be direct censorship and a violation of freedom of expression. They also believe that the judge’s threats threaten the safety of employees.
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“To ensure the safety of our employees, we have decided to immediately cease our operations in Brazil,” Forbes’ 10th edition quotes the statement.
The company claims that the judge threatened the staff with arrest if X “violates his censorship orders.” We are talking about banning several specific popular accounts that do not contradict the social network’s policies.
X’s problems in South America have been going on for some time: for example, in August, Venezuelan authorities suspended the social network for 10 days. And in Brazil itself, the dispute gained momentum after Maske’s comments on the country’s elections.
Despite the court issues and the suspension of the office, the social network will remain available to residents of the country.
Ekaterina Alipova
Source: RB
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