Government employees are no longer allowed to use Telegram on their work phones, according to Alexander Scholtes, a member of the Municipal Council for Information Technology.

In Amsterdam, officials were banned from using Telegram due to “risk of espionage”
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Speaking to local radio station BNR, he confirmed that the Dutch capital’s municipality has decided to ban its employees from using the messenger. The reasons cited include “criminal activity on the app and the risk of spying.” At the same time, the rule was introduced at the end of April and was not announced publicly.

“A haven for hackers, cybercriminals and drug dealers,” he said of the messenger.

It is known that other municipalities in the Netherlands still allow the use of Telegram. Prime also recalls that a few months ago cameras made in China were banned in Amsterdam, “raising concerns about human rights and possible espionage.”

Earlier, RB.RU wrote that Telegram continues to develop and on the day of its 11th anniversary it launched an update with paid subscriptions to channels.


Nikolai Tikhonov

Source: RB

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