Most sunspots are too small to be seen without a telescope or binoculars. Some of these spots are tens of thousands of kilometers across or larger. By the time they are about 40,000 kilometers across, they are now visible to the human eye.

So how can you see these dots without damaging your vision? Normally, the sun is too bright to look at without protection. In this case, the best choice is not just sunglasses, but also special eclipse-viewing glasses. Most of them are not that expensive.

Another option is to use a piece of welding glass with a “shade number” of 14 or higher for observation.

Additionally, some binoculars and telescopes are specifically designed for observing the Sun. They also give you the advantage of being able to examine solar activity in greater detail.

Technically, it is sometimes possible to safely watch the sun at sunset when it is just above the horizon. Most of the harmful radiation can be blocked during this time. However, this is still not recommended.

Source: Ferra

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