Sleep is an important part of everyone’s health. If you didn’t get enough sleep or didn’t get up on that foot, then you will be lethargic and annoying all day. I have a Health app on my iPhone where you can find the function to use sleep, and now this function has been completely useless for a year now.

it would be discovered that a person from time immemorial fell asleep with the onset of night and woke up after sunrise. The average time between all types of phenomena is approximately 8 hours. It is logical that this is how much time you need to devote to sleep in order to be alert and productive.

But no, we live in a large room, which means that we need to come up with an application to control the natural need for snow. And Apple has it. Just what does it make sense?

Even without it, I can see how many hours I slept.

The “sleep” app could be better. But no

Here is the functionality! Now I’ll sleep.

Many times I watched falling asleep with the Apple Watch on my arm, but each time I was noticed for just a couple of nights. In fact, not only is it inconvenient to sleep with houses, there is also no practical benefit.

After a few nights of lack of sleep due to an unusual feeling on my arm, all I got was statistics. Yesterday I slept six hours, and today seven. I’m fine fellow.

Well, even sleep phases have appeared. But why do I need them without a smart alarm clock?

Why, oh why Apple still can’t build a smart alarm into its app, which not only fixed the phases of my sleep, but also develops in the very near future? There are dozens of applications in the App Store with this display, but there is a native Health app – just build such an alarm clock into it!

To explain the lack of such a feature in Health in 2022, I can only cause laziness or a desire to make this feature exclusive to some next generation of Apple Watch.

Technically, there are no barriers, because “Sleep” tracks sleep phases so well, you can see them in useless statistics.

Better understand your sleep patterns? Seriously?

The main thing is that it is not clear why Apple collects these statistics. In “Health” you can set the number of hours during which you should sleep, and after a while, “Health” will tell you whether you are fulfilling the norm or not. Anyone this girl?

I think that the entire functionality of the Sleep application is completely unnecessary for most iPhone users. Why do I need to know how many hours I slept if the alarm went off in a strict investigation and woke me up at the most inopportune moment?

This is exactly what happened today, which is why I am writing this post, sleepy and sleepy. Thank you Apple for this app, the only one on my smartphone with views that I don’t know what to do or how to use.

Source: Iphones RU

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