The case in which Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested contains charges of 12 crimes against an “anonymous person,” the Paris prosecutor’s office announced in a press release.
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These charges include: refusal to cooperate with authorities, complicity in the possession and distribution of pornographic images of minors, complicity in the purchase, transportation, storage, sale or transfer of drugs, complicity in fraud as part of an organized group, use of cryptocurrency instruments.
The case against the businessman was opened on July 8.
- Durov was arrested at Paris’ Le Bourget airport on 24 August, having arrived there on a private jet from Azerbaijan. On 26 August, his arrest was extended for another 48 hours.
- According to Reuters, which has seen the official report from the Paris prosecutor’s office, the founder of Telegram is accused of refusing to cooperate in cyber and financial crimes on the messenger.
- French President Emmanuel Macron also issued a statement that became the first official confirmation of Durov’s arrest. He said the decision was not political and that the arrest took place “as part of an ongoing judicial investigation.”
- Experts interviewed by RB.RU described Durov’s arrest as “local lawlessness” and spoke of a deteriorating investment climate.
Anastasia Marina
Source: RB
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