Since August 30, the Yandex Maps app has been displaying the workload of organizations, and you can also check how it changes during the day. This was reported to RB.RU by the Yandex press service.

Yandex Maps has learned to show the workload of organizations
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The update will help you plan your visit and choose the day and time to visit the organization so you don’t have to wait in line at the museum or wait for a table to become available at a cafe.

“The workload schedule is available for restaurants, libraries, museums, zoos, MFCs and other organizations throughout Russia: just find the desired organization, open its card and scroll down a little,” Yandex said.

The maps will also include information about how many people visit the organization during the day or week – for example, “typically few visitors,” “typically average busy,” or “normally busy.”

An organization’s workload is calculated using an algorithm; it is compiled from anonymized data on users’ geolocation, which is shared in the app. The feature is available in the Yandex Maps mobile app on iOS and will soon appear on Android.

Yandex also trained the neural network to check its texts for hallucinations. This approach reduced the number of inaccuracies in the brief descriptions of places and attractions on the maps it created by six times.


Nikolai Tikhonov

Source: RB

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