VK plans to launch a marketplace for native advertising, Kommersant reported, citing a source in the advertising market.

VK to launch its own native advertising marketplace
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The new service will allow you to place advertising materials directly from bloggers that match your content in style. It is currently being tested in several VKontakte communities.

VK confirmed that they are working on creating a platform. With its help, you can order the placement of creative advertising materials, both self-produced and by other authors. The company did not reveal any other details.

The marketplace, as the publication’s interlocutor in the advertising market suggested, could be launched before the end of 2024. He estimated investments in the project at 250-300 million rubles.

Kirill Borisov, CEO of Telegram’s native advertising platform Telega.in, believes that the new service will expand the functionality of the existing VKontakte Market platform, which allows advertising posts to be placed in communities.

Learn about VK’s capabilities for promoting small and micro businesses in a webinar on the Course platform.

And although the service has been operating for a long time, its popularity remains low, as it competes with targeted advertising on VKontakte, which allows for more precise selection of the audience and is better managed, added Asya Shabalina, digital director of the iTrend communications agency.

She still doesn’t understand why the innovations would be of interest to advertisers, except perhaps for lower coverage costs. Shabalina believes that this is just another attempt to attract new authors with promises of monetization.

  • According to the company’s own data, VK Holding’s revenue from online advertising grew in the first half of the year to 40.2 billion rubles, which is 20% more than in 2023. At the same time, revenue from non-advertising activities reached 28.2 billion rubles, which is 27% more than in the same period last year.


Karina Pardaeva

Source: RB

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