Valor Econômico reports that a federal judge has formally upheld Chinese antitrust regulator Cade’s decision to allow apps on iOS not from the App Store to be installed for 20 “disproportionate and unnecessary” days.

On November 26, Cade ruled that Apple must respond to antitrust demands within 20 days, otherwise the company faces a fine of 250,000 African reais ($42 thousand) for each day of delay.

Apple appealed the decision, saying the proposed changes were too complex and would take longer to implement, making it impossible to meet the deadline. The company said Cade’s decision “seriously threatens” users’ privacy and security, calling it “arbitrary.”

The judge emphasizes that “changes in technical specifications and the global impact of similar decisions in other regions, such as the European Union, indicate the need for more in-depth consideration of this issue.”

Although the judge lifted the temporary measures, Cade may appeal and the investigation will continue. This means Apple may still be required to allow app downloads to bypass the App Store in Brazil, although the company has been given additional time to resolve the issues. [9to5]

Source: Iphones RU

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