In 2024, Telegram blocked almost 15.4 million groups and channels that violated the service’s rules and legislation. This is stated in a message on the Messenger website.
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“Telegram restricts access to tens of thousands of groups and channels every day, and also removes millions of content for violating the terms of the user agreement, including inciting violence, distributing child abuse materials, and trading goods. illegal,” the company said.
They also noted that in 2024 the administration of the messenger blocked more than 700 thousand groups and channels containing materials on the topic of sexualized violence against children and almost 129 thousand communities associated with terrorism. From February 2022 to the end of the third quarter of 2024, around 130 million extremist contents were removed from the site.
The company clarified that since 2015 moderation in the service has been carried out through user reports in combination with proactive monitoring, and since 2024 additional tools based on artificial intelligence have been introduced.
On August 24, Pavel Durov was detained at the French airport of Le Bourget. Two days later, the founder of Telegram was accused of refusing to cooperate with local authorities in the field of cyber and financial crimes on the Messenger.
The billionaire was subsequently released, but placed under judicial supervision, prohibited from leaving France and ordered to pay bail of 5 million euros, as well as to report to the police station twice a week. In early December, a Paris court questioned the businessman for the first time. Durov said he “trusts French justice” and declined to comment further.
Bogdan Muzychenko
Source: RB
I am a professional journalist and content creator with extensive experience writing for news websites. I currently work as an author at Gadget Onus, where I specialize in covering hot news topics. My written pieces have been published on some of the biggest media outlets around the world, including The Guardian and BBC News.