The work of Telegram and the operators Megafon, Yota, T2, MTS, among other companies, occurred on the morning of January 24, according to data from and Sboi.RF.

Users complained about problems with Telegram and telecom operators on January 24.
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Complaints began to arrive at approximately 10:30 Moscow time. For example, the number of messages on about problems with Telegram in the last hour exceeded 2.3 thousand, with Megafon – 2 thousand, and with Yota – 1 thousand. Twitch, WhatsApp users and VTB clients also reported problems. as well as subscribers of Rostelecom and Beeline.

The T2 press service informed Kommersant that there have been no problems with the availability of mobile communication services. “Our networks are functioning normally, there have still been no customer complaints about the technical service,” they noted.

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Beeline told the newspaper that its network is working normally, but the operator recorded a failure on Telegram. Megafon informed RB.RU that “possible problems with access to certain foreign Internet resources occur for reasons beyond the operator’s control.” MTS declined to comment.

Roskomnadzor explained to RB.RU that the Center for Monitoring and Management of the Public Communications Network (TsMU SSOP, owned by RKN) recorded a failure in the Megafon infrastructure, which was “resolved in the shortest possible time by the operator’s specialists “. The regulator clarified that problems were observed “in Megafon’s foreign connections with European communication networks.” “The guard service of the Central Medical Monitoring Center of the SSOP does not detect failures in the networks of other operators,” the press service added.

The previous large-scale failure of the Russian Internet occurred on January 14. Then subscribers of MTS, Beeline, Rostelecom, T2 and other telecom operators complained about poor network performance. The RKN described the problems that arose in the operation of RuNet as a “short-term interruption of connectivity” and the failure was fixed on the same day.

Vedomosti’s source at one of the operators associated the failure with problems with the technical means of countering threats (TSPU) of Roskomnadzor and the Main Radio Frequency Center subordinate to it.

TSPUs have been installed in the networks of Russian operators since 2019. They are used to filter Internet traffic and block sites banned in Russia using DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) technology, Forbes wrote.


Bogdan Muzychenko

Source: RB

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