As of February 1, Yandex Taxi will begin paying a professional income tax (NPD) for all self -employed drivers. The company told Vedomini that they would expise from the NPD for the first mandatory in the Russian market.
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After each trip, the aggregator will calculate and maintain taxes of all the income received by self -employed through the service, then pay them monthly, explained the representative of Yandex Taxi. The implementation of the initiative “will completely automate and simplify the payment of NPD for self -employed partners,” the company emphasized.
The service began to test the automatic calculation and NPD retention last year, participation in the experiment was voluntary. According to the results of the experiment at the end of last year, more than 6 billion rubles of fiscal deductions were transferred, and more than half of the drivers participated in it.
The Ministry of Labor made the initiative to convert digital platforms into “fiscal agents in the NPD” in 2023. The Federal Fiscal Service supported the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, but did not gain legal force. Now, the idea is still actively discussed by the relevant departments and platforms, informed sources told Vdomosti. A large number of sites are against the initiative due to possible financial and technical difficulties in its implementation.
The cars used now pay NPD at a 4% rate in calculations with individuals or 6% in calculations with individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. They declare independently the income and make tax deductions to the budget. The amount of deductions is automatically formed in the personal account based on the amount of the indicated income.
Now digital platforms can keep taxes used only if he instructed him, said Elina Burykin, BGP Litigation International Tax Planning Advisor. To introduce a universal obligation of the platforms to calculate and deductions of the NPD, “it will be necessary to amend the legislation and configure the federal fiscal service software for them,” he added.
The number of self -employed in Russia, according to the results of 2024, increased by 30%, to 12.2 million people. The experts surveyed by RB.RU warned that this could become hardening the requirements for them. At the same time, for this category of entrepreneurs, they expect the possibility of obtaining social guarantees to grow.
Anastasia Kossakovskaya
Source: RB

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