Usage Windows 11 continues to grow, and this allowed him to reach a new market share during the first month of 2025. As mentioned StatcounterThe latest generation of the operating system for Microsoft computers closed in January with 36.65 % ShareField
This is 2.53 % more than in December 2024 (34.12 %) and 8.82 % more than in January 2024 (27.83 %). While Windows 11 continues Enough behind Windows 10 As for the percentage of equipment that uses it, its noticeable growth over the past year shows that, despite the slow initial progress, the software began to gain momentum.
In parallel with an increase in the market share of Windows 11 percent of the PC, which works by 10, fell. Everyone says that this is due to what he said so In October, the next October support will endNevertheless, it remains with a distance with a distance, as the most used PC platform around the world.
Windows 10 is closed in January with Market share out of 60.33 %; That is, 2.37 % less than in December 2024 (62.7 %). Similarly, its use fell by 9.56 % compared to the peak of 69.89 %, which was registered in April last year. It is assumed that the quota of this software will continue with a noticeable decrease in 2025, although experts are recommended to predict that even this will remain the most used operating system, at least this year.
Windows 11 continues to close Windows 10
During 2024, Microsoft doubled the bet in its Aggressive campaign To encourage Windows 10 users to update Windows 11. It seems to work to some extent, so it is observed in the market of the market. It would be interesting to know what percentage of new users of their last operating system seeks to arrive in Redmond within 2025.
It is logical to think that a significant part of an increase in Market share Windows 11 may be associated with the sale of new computers with the specified previously established software. Unfortunately, statistics Statcounter Do not break how they affect equipment or updates from previous SOS.
Windows 10 will end in support in October 2025. From there, the platform will stop receiving updates of functions and will have security corrections only after a very serious threat is discovered, If you don’t payThe Microsoft field announced an expanded security update program (ESU) for those who still do not want to migrate their equipment in Windows 11.
The end users will have to pay $ 30 for each team who wants to protectAlthough only during the year and without the ability to update it. In the case of companies or organizations, they can overestimate ESU for a longer time, although every year the quota will be more expensive. In addition, the initial price will be up to 61 dollars per team.
Microsoft made it clear that she wants its users to switch to Windows 11. The company introduces tactics Pretty intrusive With advertising, and also included warnings for those who are trying to download Windows 10 from their web site. He even recommended changing the computer, if the one you have do not meet the controversial requirements for the equipment of his last software. And he also decided Limit the functioning of its most popular applications Like a word, Excel or PowerPoint.
Source: Hiper Textual

I am Garth Carter and I work at Gadget Onus. I have specialized in writing for the Hot News section, focusing on topics that are trending and highly relevant to readers. My passion is to present news stories accurately, in an engaging manner that captures the attention of my audience.