The archetype of the technologist chillSo fashionable today with the ascent to the political power of people such as Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk, it arises in Bill Gates, an American, who left Harvard at the age of 20, – three semesters were studied – to find a company with his friend Allen , which ultimately cost billions of dollars, and without which it would be impossible to explain the second half of the twentieth century.
But Source code: my principles This is not a story about Microsoft, but the story of the child who became a person, the basic level that sought to get the best qualification with the least possible efforts, that his teachers once thought about increasing its degree and few few people hold it in this. “It is exciting to go into the past and see the comments of my teachers or people with whom I worked at Harvard.” Gates says in an interview with AP APThe field “I confused me, thinking that I received one for the ninth,” he recalls.
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Code source: My beginningAs will probably be transferred to Spanish, this is an autobiography in which Bill Gates tells and thinks – he admits that this is not an ordinary feeling to feel reflecting – episodes of his childhood. Some painful, such as the death of one of his best friends, Evans and others, who may help to understand their urgency in the fight against climate change, for example, the destruction of his house in Seattle in 1962 from the tornado, an unusual phenomenon in the field.
Source code: my principles this Sold from today in different bookstoresThe field here is highlighting some revelations highlighted by Gates himself.
Tornado could kill him in 1962
During the 60s, Bill Gates lived with his family in Seattle, in the area that he remembers as “dear”. Tornado got into this area in 1962, an absolutely unusual phenomenon and eventually broke off the roof of the garage of his house, which ultimately fell into his courtyard. House of William Gates, his father, appeared in the press that reported a disasterField
Brought light cows to class
When he studied in the fourth grade, his teacher asked them to take something “interesting” in the classroom. According to Gates, they went to the meat shop to buy light cows. They placed it in a white sheet and took it to class, where the “interesting” was the most conservative adjective. The companion of his fainting, the gate recallsField
The post of a magazine without which it may be impossible to think about Microsoft
The story is known. Paul Allen told Bill Gates about how surprisingly he was 8800 Altair, a computer that you can think today as a computer. “He told me that the microprocessors were a reality, so I thought: my God! This will happen without us, so I decided to leave Harvard and start Microsoft, ”Gates recalls. Well, Astonir 8800 began with a copy of the magazine Popular electronics I bought it in the city Simbley kiosk in Harvard and today is a storyField
He developed a baseball game that brought him alone
When Gates was still a Harvard student, he loved to spend a lot of time in a computer laboratory. So it was rare to have access to the computer, so the laboratory was an ideal place. The use of PDP-10 has developed a baseball match that has never endedThen I had to program all possible positions. His efforts brought him A.
Source: Digital Trends

I am Garth Carter and I work at Gadget Onus. I have specialized in writing for the Hot News section, focusing on topics that are trending and highly relevant to readers. My passion is to present news stories accurately, in an engaging manner that captures the attention of my audience.