The Berlin-based architectural firm Studio Other Spaces has completed work on the Seeing City project, which is part of the BC. The main task is to turn a certain dreamy building of the Parisian prefecture on Morland street into a masterpiece. For this purpose, the designers designed a special roof for the house, arranged according to the cado recipe.

roof kaleidoscope

The architectural object occupies the 15th and 16th floors of the building, which owns the restoseder, bar and lookout horses. The ceiling of the 15th floor is decorated with a complex of mirrors that reflect life below, on the streets of Paris.

roof kaleidoscope

On the 16th floor, the spaces are enclosed, here the outer surfaces are made of safety glass from floor to sweat. The ceiling itself is made of sections that have four mirrored fabrics, a transparent top and and and. This reflection gave rise to a p.. As the German designers added, they created a new interpretation of the already built Parisian architecture, instead of trying to remake it.

roof kaleidoscope

Source: Tech Cult

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