HE eBook is a book format created for digital reading. Via electronic devices such as a Kindle-like laptop, tablet, mobile phone or eReader.
It is valid to say that the content of the physical and digital book is the same, the difference is the way of distribution. In this sense, the idea of the eBook is to make it easy to reach everywhere and to allow the reader to access different titles quickly.
In addition to practicality, eBooks tend to be more affordable than a physical book, and we’re here to explain the main reasons why for this content.
After all, why do ebooks cost less than physical books?
Generally, Less spent producing and distributing eBooks This allows the digital version to be released at a cheaper price compared to physical books.
Of course, the production of digital books also includes costs, for example:
- Copyright;
- Taxation;
- Hiring designers and other professionals;
- DRM (Digital Rights Management);
- Among others.
However, eBooks do not need to be printed, because reading is done with electronic devices. This provides good savings by reducing investment in paper, ink and printers.
In addition, it is also possible discount on physical store maintenance values, rent, water, electricity etc. Another thing worth mentioning is that it costs nothing to transport books to a bookstore or warehouse.
As a result, e-books can be purchased cheaper than physical books for the final consumer. So the reader can pay less and at the same time get all the other benefits of using a digital book reader.
30 days free! Have you ever thought about accessing more than 1 million digital books? This is possible with Amazon Kindle Unlimited. Subscribe now! It’s only $19.99 then.
Kindle Unlimited is an Amazon subscription service that gives you access to over one million ebooks. You can use it for free during 30-day trial period. During this time, you can take advantage of all the features and read the books you want for free.
This is a good option for learning what to read on the platform and trying to read eBooks if you’re not used to it. At the end of the term, if you want to maintain access, you must pay the monthly subscription fee of R$ 19.90.
Even if you don’t have a dedicated reader for digital books, Kindle Unlimited It is a service that can be accessed through other types of electronic devices, such as smartphone and tablet.
Source: Tec Mundo