Rewind AI records absolutely everything you see, say or hear while using your Mac. With these recordings, users can easily go back to a specific time of day and rewatch everything.

There aren’t many details about the technology behind the app, but the company’s website says it uses “mind-blowing compression” that lets you save large amounts of data without any significant loss of quality. The developers claim that a 10.5GB entry turns into a 2.8MB file. This allows Rewind AI to “keep records for years”.

In a short demo video shared by the company, you can see that the app’s interface has a search bar where users can return to a specific time of day by simply typing a word or phrase.

Rewind AI was created for Mac computers with Apple Silicon chips. This is because it uses certain features of the Apple SoC to save everything without overloading system resources like CPU and RAM.

The Rewind AI website says the recordings are stored locally and the app has no cloud integration. Users can delete entries at any time and exclude certain apps from the listing.

Source: Ferra

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